I was tempted to title this with “San Diego Wedding Photographer” since we were in CA for that reason and then decided to make it into a mini-honeymoon, but oh well.  You get the point.
    Part 2 of our mini-honeymoon (see part 1 HERE) was spent in San Francisco, a city Chris and I had never been before.  We stayed in Japantown (my fav!) and we were able to quickly explore many parts of the city thanks to Uber!  We ate and drank our way through the city – after all, the wedding was over so we didn’t have to worry about calories. 😉
    You may not know this, but I lived in Japan for 4 years so staying in Japantown was like being home.  I ate lots of Japanese treats and spent money on lots of Japanese stuff to take home to Haley, who essentially grew up there.  The coffee was amazing, the cocktails were amazing, the pizza was amazing… and waking up on the last day there to enjoy the Golden Gate Bridge together before anyone else got there was perfect.






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